How Adding an Inexpensive Multi-Nutrient Combo to Your Diet Can “Flush Out” Nail Fungus from Your Body without a Prescription Even After 10+ Years of Yellow, Thick and Crumbly Nails
PLUS: Discover the Highly Effective
Anti-Fungal Recipe of a Veteran Japanese Doctor That Can Completely Nuke Any Kind of Nail Infection
This Is a Warning
If right now you or someone you love is infected with toenail fungus and you think it isn’t serious, you’re making the biggest mistake of your life.

Because the disgusting look and embarrassment from toe fungus should be the least of your worries…
Unfortunately, not many people have any idea of the risks involved when dealing with this microscopic parasite
And why, if you have toenail fungus, you may be dealing with something much more alarming than the poisoning fungus itself…but you have to know that…
Toenail Fungus Can Cost You Your Life
If left untreated it can spread to the bones, tendons, or the bloodstream.
This causes septicemia, development of an abscess, amputation, damage to the lymph nodes, and other life-threatening conditions
And the worst part is…
Fungi Has an Almost Unbreakable Power
According to NASA’s Senior Research Scientist, Kasthuri Venkateswaran…
“fungi can survive harsh conditions and environments like deserts, caves or nuclear accident sites”
And besides being almost indestructible…
Fungi is MUCH More Contagious Than Most of the Diseases Known to Mankind…

Because fungus can easily live and breed on any kind of surface…
Even the ones you would never think about…
Like your kitchen table or even the phone, you keep in your hand everyday…
Maybe right now, as you read this…
And the only response from Big Pharma in the face of this plague…
Are some drugs that instead of curing you…are actually killing you faster and more painfully…
So I really must warn you:
Don’t Take Any Prescription Anti-Fungal Medication Until You See This
And I want you to know that it’s absolutely vital you watch this presentation until the very end, while you still have the chance because it could be taken down at any moment.
The money-hungry pharmaceutical companies are on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to what I’m about to show you.
If this gets out to the general public, it will bring an end to their multi-billion dollar cash-cow.
This breakthrough has already helped 46,829 people treat their fungal infection, which has blown a hole of tens of thousands of dollars in Big Pharma’s ship of lies
People have woken up and realized that they have absolutely no intention of resolving the toenail fungus problem
All they want to do is to keep you “on the hook” and clean you out of your last penny until you die.
And this is not an exaggeration, as you’re about to discover the truth no podiatrist will tell you…
Toenail Fungus Is A Symptom Of Something Much Worse…
Because the root cause of your fungus infection is not on the outside, but on the inside of your body…
Triggered by millions of terrorist fungi spores that you inhale every day, silently hurting and devastating your blood and your internal organs…
And high-jack your whole system…

Forcing you to experience life-altering conditions you would have never imagined are caused by something as “innocent” as a mild toenail fungus
Your dry skin and nasty nails are just the tip of the fungus iceberg that has been building up inside your body for years…
But put all your worries at ease, because with this secret anyone can easily remove the entire fungal infection from the body
Without the headache of:
- Poisonous drugs
- Useless creams you have to put on multiple times a day
- Without crippling side effects
- And no expensive and harsh laser surgery
This can be done starting today 100% naturally, using a simple and inexpensive treatment that forces your body to swiftly neutralize all the fungal colonies that took your body hostage and completely undo the damage done to your nails, skin, muscles, and even internal organs…
Leaving you with healthy, shiny pink nails, silky smooth skin, and your whole body beaming with newfound energy, vitality, and wellbeing
How is this possible?
Well, this fungus eradicating solution unlocks the full potential of your body’s natural ability to flush out the infections
So if you or a loved one experienced:
- White spots on your nail
- Nails turning brown or yellow
- Fatigue or lack of energy
- Brain fog
- Low mood
- Loss of appetite
- Belly aches
- Feeling bloated
- Weight gain
Then this presentation might be the cornerstone of the rest of your life because it shines a light on a silent, but deadly microorganism that’s eating away your health every day.
And it’s nesting not only in your nails but in your whole body.
Creeping around undetected, and growing faster and faster each day…
Waiting just for the right moment to rear its ugly head…
And make you a breeding ground for a deadly infection.
Plummeting your health in the “red danger zone” and leaving your body unable to cope with the consequences.
So make no mistake… that seemingly innocent white spot on your toe or fingernail can bring you to death’s doorstep in a matter of a few short months.
As Professor Rosemary Barnes from the School of Medicine’s Institute of Infection and Immunity points out:
‘For most people, fungal disease means a bit of athlete’s foot or a toenail fungus. These may be irritating and unsightly, but fungi can do far worse. Fungi kill more people than malaria and tuberculosis worldwide.”
And she’s not the only one pulling the alarm signal on this.
Dr. Edward Group, founder of the Global Healing Center says that we’re facing a “fungus epidemic”
While Mark Hyman, MD shows that a fungal overgrowth “can result in many chronic illnesses and symptoms including allergies, chronic inflammation, joint problems, mood and brain disorders, digestive symptoms, and more.”
If left untreated toenail fungus makes invisible cracks in nails and skin, which lets the infection burrow deep into your system.
It can spread to the bones, tendons, lymph nodes, or bloodstream and lead to septicemia, gangrene, necrosis, blood clots, or amputation…
Pretty soon, you will start to experience fever, pain, diarrhea, and vomiting and your blood will be filled with toxins
And Eventually Death Awaits For You…
Doctors usually misdiagnose the root problem of these symptoms and will put you on antibiotics.
But this makes things even worse because antibiotics disrupt the natural balance between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria in your gut
And if you’re wondering what your gut has to do with toenail fungus…well, the answer is: EVERYTHING
Most people don’t know this, but the gut is where over 80% of your immune system draws its power from.
Our gut is like a micro-wild west town, where good bacteria and bad bacteria play cowboys and Indians.
In order for our immune system to be efficient, the good guys need to win the fight.
Unfortunately, swallowing a bunch of antibiotics prescribed for a condition that doesn’t exist…only adds gasoline to the fire.

Fungus sabotages your immune system and you will end up on a hospital bed with septicemia, meningitis, or worse!
And to add insult to injury, the two most prescribed antifungal drugs out there:
Lamisil & Sporanox are responsible for a long trail of dead bodies that pharmaceutical companies are desperately trying to hide.
Did you know that Lamisil caused death or severe complications in many toenail fungus patients?
According to the FDA, about half the patients reported onset of liver failure, within the first weeks of starting treatment with Lamisil.
No One Should Have To Go Through Something Like This
This is Marry…
A 77-year-old grandmother…
Actually, her granddaughter was the one to take this lovely photo of her…
But even though she seems like a happy and full-of-life old lady…

She was the victim of fungus infection…and unfortunately, she died in less than 2 weeks after this photo was taken…
She has been prescribed oral Lamisil by her doctor, and even though her liver was just fine when she first started taking them…
Soon enough, the drugs started to damage her internal organs…
And eventually died of liver failure.
This is Mike, with his wife Lisa
They are the proud parents of two teenage boys…
After a summer vacation, Mike discovered a white spot on one of his big toenails…

He didn’t think much of it, but as more time passed it was getting worse and worse
And after 5 months it was completely yellow, brittle with ridged lines running down it…
And it was starting to spread to the other nails…
After trying some creams her wife bought for him but with no results
His doctor prescribed Lamisil…
Within days, the first symptoms started to settle in…
He reported having itchy hands and developing a rash that felt like a burn on his hands…
His knees and joints began to stiffen up and felt very painful, especially in the morning…
He was also suffering from nausea, insomnia and in the end, she completely lost his appetite…
And after some more time, he noticed his hair was feeling really thin and fragile, and it eventually started to fall at an alarming rate…
He struggled to push through them because his nails seemed to clear up…
And his regular blood checks looked alright…
But soon after the 6 months of treatment were over…
His liver toxicity was completely out of hand
And after 3 weeks of struggles, he died in hospital
Leaving his family devastated…
There are hundreds of sad stories just like these…
Of people that died or never fully recovered after taking poisonous drugs like Lamisil and Sporanox
Actually, my wife was heading in the same direction 3 years ago, when she was admitted to the IC unit after a brutal liver failure…
And if it wasn’t for what happened next, I don’t think I would have ever written this open letter for you to read…
And what’s more insane is that, to this day, Big Pharma is still putting hundreds of millions of dollars…
Pushing this poison to the customers like you and me
Can you see the insanity in prescribing these drugs to millions of patients?
Lamisil and Sporanox Are Meant
To Kill Toenail Fungus
Instead They Kill the Patient…
It’s like using explosives to clear your home of pests!
These pills go directly in your bloodstream and poison your entire body
Toenail fungus patients are prescribed Lamisil and Sporanox for 6-9 months
They have a 60% success rate but damage your body 100% of the time.
But what your doctor forgot to tell you is that even if you survive the full treatment, toenail fungus returns in 75% of cases!

And don’t get me started on the last so-called “miracle” treatment: laser therapy.
It costs $500 per session, you need multiple sessions to get cured and it doesn’t even guarantee you’ll be 100% cured.
The Medical Industry Is Making
Huge Profits from Your Suffering…
But they will never give you solutions that go to the root of the problem…
Instead, sell you drugs that will be the source of your next problem.
So make sure you listen carefully to this story now and don’t put it off for later
These pharma companies are not going to like that I am spreading this information all over the internet
Due to the amount of money, they will be losing when everyone wakes up and throws away their phony treatments.
But the number one thing that these companies are going to hate the most….how easy and simple this fungus eradicating solution, that I will be giving to you today, actually is…
You’ll be amazed how something simple can be so effective…especially as you try it as soon as TONIGHT
So listen up because time is running out…
- If you’ve noticed any type of change in your nails’ color, integrity, or shape…
- If you’re wearing shoes for more than 5h a day…
- If you’ve experienced a drop in energy, concentration, or motivation…
- If you’re playing sports, going to the gym or the swimming pool…
- Or if you had toenail fungus for any length of time and tried everything to make it disappear…
Then I urge you to make yourself comfortable, put anything else on hold for just a while and listen to every single word of this controversial presentation…
Because only then you will get insider knowledge about the remarkable natural fungal destroyer…
And you will get full-access behind the scenes of the cover-up made by the corrupt Big Pharma that put the lives of millions in danger.
By the end of this article, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to safely destroy your own toenail fungus…
Put an end to the embarrassment and the anxiety it brought in your life…
Guarantee you NEVER have to suffer through the fungal infection hell
And The Good News Is…
- You grow new healthy pink nails so you can be proud to show off your feet on your next summer vacation
- You restore younger, more elastic skin with fewer wrinkles or age spots, so you look like you look 10 years younger
- You fortify your strong and healthy heart, so you shock your doctor with your blood pressure and cholesterol results…
- You restore your brain functions and boost your energy levels, letting you enjoy a “no-headache” life, and spread good energy to everyone around you
- And you fortify all your body’s cells, so you feel stronger, younger, lighter, and happier than ever.
All these are possible because this hidden solution works by completely sanitizing your body and nuking any intruding fungus colony…
And, before we go much further let me tell you who the heck I am…
My name is Mike Harrison and I’m a 52 years old firefighter.
Me and my wife, Lisa, live in Westchester, New York. We have 2 daughters together and one amazing grandson, with another on the way.

All my life I’ve protected my community, their homes, and their lives…
I’ve done everything in my power to save every person I could, even though this meant putting my own life in danger…
And I was even one of the volunteer firefighters that helped in the aftermath of 9-11
That time I’ve spent surrounded by the remains of the World Trade Center was the hardest thing I’d done in my entire life…
I can’t and I won’t even try to put in words what I felt and saw during those long, awful days…
All I’ll say is after that, I really understood what it means to be under attack…
And you know something?
This Happens to Your Body Every Day…
You are always under vicious attack from an enemy that cares nothing for you…
This is a virus that forces its way through the internal system of every single person on this planet, no matter the age, race, sex, or situation…
And this is what we are about to talk today
And how this disgusting plague almost jeopardized my life
Not only being a gross embarrassment on the beach that almost amputated my wife’s leg and destroyed her liver…

But also nearly killed her…
Leaving her in a coma for two straight weeks…
Spread throughout her body while giving her crippling pain, crushing her liver, clotting her veins, and suffocating her lungs…
Leaving even top doctors helpless to do anything about it…
Today I’m going to share our story, and I must admit I don’t want to relive those dark and scary memories but…
…You Need To Learn The Truth So You Don’t Fall In The Same Trap
The truth about how toenail fungus RUINED our lives.
Eight months ago Lisa ended up lying like a vegetable in the IC unit
She was in liver failure
Her left leg had turned almost black with gangrene and filled with puss.
Her Body Was Not Hers Anymore
It Turned Into a Fungal Colony
Lisa doesn’t even remember where she got it from.
She just noticed one day that her nail looked different…
Thicker with white spots on it…
At first, after reading a little bit online, she thought that a good scrubbing, soaking the feet in vinegar and changing her socks would do the trick.
But nothing happened, she only wasted some precious time
And on the contrary…
The Fungus Was Spreading Like Wildfire…
So she took the next logical step and went to see a foot-doctor
And this was the mistake that ruined her life
Like most people…
She had no idea that mainstream medication for toenail fungus is toxic and it can cause massive complications including death.
So, after a regular blood check, the doctor gave her Lamisil to treat the infection
And That’s Where The Real Nightmare Began
Not even 5 days after she started the treatment, the side-effects started to kick in:
With time she started losing weight and had purple spots all over her skin.
She completely lost her appetite. It took her great effort just to swallow a bit of food.
She was becoming a shadow of the person I knew and loved…
Her laughter changed into moans…
And her smiling face was changed into a frown, with bloodshot eyes and big dark circles under them.
Even though the pills appeared to do their job by clearing up her nails…
The treatment was destroying her liver faster than a bottle of vodka a day

But even worse, her heartbeat increased to 125 moving and as high as 105 when sitting…
For the average woman her age, a heart beating more than 80 times per minute is a red flag that something terrible is about to happen…
And this all culminated with a rush to the emergency room.
She was admitted immediately because she had all the signs of sudden heart failure and early onset of irreversible liver failure.
A few hours later the doctor came back with the test results:
“Your Wife’s Life is Hanging By a Thread…”
“She suffered severe liver failure…because HER LIVER HAS BEEN SEVERELY DAMAGED by the medication she has taken.
Also, we’ve discovered a toxic fungus infection outbreak in her right leg, and there is the awful possibility it might spread to other organs…
We put her on different treatment for the fungus, but if her liver won’t be able to handle it, an amputation is inevitable…”
It felt like a truck just hit me at full speed…
I stood there in icy silence like I was in a bad dream…
A simple fungus threatening to paralyze or even kill my wife at 47 years old?…
It looked like an “innocent” yellow dot,
Only an infected toenail…
When, actually, this seemingly small pest was a silent deadly enemy…
Viciously colonizing Lisa’s blood and her nervous system…
A ticking time bomb in my wife’s body, devastating her life…
How did it come to this?
How could this be real…
I felt like I had gone to sleep and woke up into a nightmare…
It all seemed surreal….my wife….the love of my life…
The mother of my children…lying in a hospital bed…on the verge of losing her leg and…
Standing At Death’s Doorstep
Because Of A Toenail Fungus Infection
I felt like I wanted to scream, punch and kick everything around me….
I kept asking myself….why did this happen? Why her? Why us?
Why didn’t I do something sooner?
I was completely lost…
I felt my blood boil…

I Was Mad At The Doctors For Giving My Wife A “Death Cocktail” Just So They Can Make A Fast Buck…
Mad at how now they just shrug and say they can’t do anything…
And mad at myself for being powerless to stop any of this from happening.
But not anymore!
I looked at Lisa lying in that bed, IV’s and tubes everywhere
I leaned in close, kissed her on the forehead, and whispered:
“Don’t worry my love! We’ll beat this….I swear to you”
…even though had no idea what to do
The clock was ticking and each moment that the infection was left untreated it was slowly eating away Lisa’s remaining health.
This may seem extreme…
But as you saw earlier, this is not an isolated event, there are thousands of people that go through similar nightmares, if not worse…
That night, after I got home from the hospital I began researching every possible scrap of information on fungal infections, treatments, homemade cures, and whatnot.
And what I found was truly disturbing.
Fungal Spores Are Everywhere
Even In the Air We Breathe
A study conducted by the Osaka City Institute of Public Health & Environmental Sciences shows that just staying in a room with an air-conditioner unit your chances of contracting a fungal infection by 5 times higher
A/C units are practically everywhere: your home, your office, your kid’s school, the mall and even hospitals.
And let’s face the truth, nobody properly cleans the A/C units.

I know I’m guilty of it…and chances are you’re too.
If you don’t believe me stop reading and go run your finger on the blades of your air-conditioning unit.
Unless you just had it cleaned up, I’m afraid you’re in for a nasty surprise.
With every breath you take, you suck up millions of fungal spores like a powerful vacuum…
They enter your system and begin multiplying and…
…You Become a Walking Fungus Colony
and You Don’t Even Know It
But the bad news doesn’t end here. Dr. Edward Group points out that…
“Most people don’t develop symptoms right away. It takes 3 to 6 months to start showing signs of fungal overgrowth, and even then they can be subtle like fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, bellyache, and others.”
Because your immunity is being slowly eaten away from the inside, you’re left vulnerable to infections from the outside, like toenail fungus. Once you get infected, it creates microscopic cracks into your skin and connects with the fungal colonies already breading inside your body.
This is one of the reasons why you have never been able to heal your toenail fungus in the past, regardless of treatment…
You were just targeting a very small part of the whole infection.
The other one is that you’ve been unknowingly feeding it.
Here’s the thing, once you get infected the fungus starts releasing a poison called mycotoxin.
This poison spreads throughout the body and affects not only your vital organs but also your brain chemistry.
This leads to brain fog, depression, irritability, poor memory, and makes us crave sugary foods such as starchy vegetables, sweet desserts, fruits, and bready foods.
And this is a real problem since the fungus infection thrives on sugar.
So every time we eat something that has sugar in it, we’re actually just feeding the fungus infection, making it stronger.
And it’s a never-ending cycle:
We Become Slaves of the Fungus Infection
This might be the reason you are struggling to cut down on sugar or carbs, even though you know they’re bad for you.
As a study conducted at the Loma Linda University in California shows, sugar does much more than just make you gain weight or trigger Type 2 Diabetes…
In fact, it cripples the immune system by 40% and the effect lasts for up to 5 hours after you’ve done eating.
The fungus infection ripping your health apart is forcing you to feed it something that basically shuts down your immune system…
…leaving you powerless to stop the infection from spreading to the bloodstream, bones, lymph nodes, brain, and even your eyes.
This Is a Hidden Pandemic
I stood there, in my chair, staggered by what I’ve just read.
I never knew that something so bland, like a fungus infection, could have such horrible consequences.
I never knew that sugar actually destroys the immune system.
I kept asking myself:
Why haven’t doctors made this public knowledge?
Why aren’t there any awareness campaigns for fungal infections?
Why are people being kept in the dark about something that could end their life without them even knowing it?
The only answer that kept popping up in my head was: because of the tons of money the pharmaceutical companies are making off of this.

After spending countless hours further researching ways of treating, repairing, and reversing the damage done by the fungal build-up…
I had the feeling that I was hearing the same things over and over again…
And feeling like I was running around in circles…
But what happened next answered all my questions…
And changed our lives forever
I Still Wonder If It Was
Pure Coincidence Or A Divine Intervention
As I told you earlier, Lisa and I have two beautiful daughters…
And, Kim, the youngest, met her fiance in college…
His name is Shiro Ishiguro, he’s from Japan…
He received a scholarship to study here, in the US…
Lisa and I are very fond of him, we couldn’t be happier our daughter found herself a great guy like him…
And, the thing is…that in the exact period when Lisa developed the nail fungus, when it started to spread uncontrollably and when she was rushed to the hospital…
Kim was on a three-month trip to Japan to meet Shiro’s parents…and visit the country
So, we thought that it would be best not to tell her, to not ruin her holiday
But as Lisa’s condition was worsening by the day and thinking of the worst…
One day when Kim called to check on us I gave her the bad news…
“Kim…your mother is not ok”
“Wh…What do you mean??” – she asked and I could sense the confusion in her words
“She got some kind of nail fungus and the meds prescribed by her doctor messed up her liver and her heart…
She’s now in the hospital but the doctor doesn’t think she can handle this too much longer”
I heard her crying on the phone and I didn’t even know what to say…
“Nail fungus…you said?” – she managed to ask after she gathered herself together
“Yes, and it’s really bad…it has spread to her whole leg, and it can continue to her internal organs”
“Oh my god” – she started crying again
But through her tears, she said the words that changed our entire life…
“I think I can help..”
“How?… What do you mean?” – I asked
“Shiro’s father is a doctor here, in his village…but he doesn’t use drugs or commercial meds
He does some sort of holistic healing” – she said
“Actually when I arrived here I also got a fungus on one of my nails and it was starting to look gross…but after he gave me a mixture of plants he made, my nail cleared up in less than a few days…
He’s been a doctor all his life, and he is kind of a big deal over here, in Japan
People from all over the country came to him for treatment and to learn the art of holistic healing…
Maybe he can help mum…I’ll tell him to prepare some of that same blend and I’m taking the first plane back home…”
To me, this kind of stuff sounds more like mysticism than medicine, and I think Kim sensed my skepticism so she put me on the phone with him…
When I first heard his voice, I was amazed at how good his English was…
His name was Hiroki Ishiguro
And after I told him the whole story about Lisa’s fungus infection he told me:
“The problem with western medicine is that it has lost its true purpose: to heal people.
It’s all about the money.
I have friends working in hospitals and clinics and they admit they’re just prescribing what they are told to. They’re not even allowed to mention natural treatments, even if they are cheaper, more effective, and with 0 side effects. To do so would mean they lose their license.”
I was shocked at how accurately he described our treacherous medical system.
He briefly told me how he came to be such an esteemed doctor in his community and well…
It turns out he was only ten years old when Hiroshima was bombed during the Second World War. He was living in a nearby village and his family ran away for fear of radiation.
But many people were not so lucky. He still has horrible nightmares about all the terrible things he saw.
He saw people dying after their body was poisoned by radiation. Words can’t describe the horrible things they went through.
Their bodies were shaken by violent abrupt symptoms: extreme fever, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
They lost their hair and the healthy color of their skin. They were like dead people walking.
Their system was failing and their immunity was at the lowest level
You can see this today, but on a much lower scale, in patients who take radiation therapy.
But many of the people who were exposed to such massive doses of radiation back then did not live longer than 4 weeks.
One of the tell-tale signs that they had been touched by radiations was a very aggressive toenail fungus.
The fungus creeps in bodies with low immunity, and these people had no immunity left.
People Were Terrified To Check Their Nails In The Morning…
Afraid they might spot a white spot or a discoloration
Back then, he was the young disciple of a Japanese doctor who cured many of these people from toenail fungus.
Using an ancient Japanese secret, that was thought long lost even by the Japanese community.
At first, people laughed at him when he told them he is able to treat toenail fungus when mainstream drugs imported on the black market couldn’t help them.
In 60% of the cases, these people lived for decades, which was unheard of!
The treatment was actually building their immunity and empowering their body to fight back.
Unlike Western Medicine The Japanese Approach Is Holistic

A Japanese doctor will never treat just one organ or one part of the body.
They understand that any type of health issue sends a ripple effect throughout your entire body, damaging more than just one part.
Unfortunately, modern American medicine does not recognize the merits of natural holistic treatments.
People are kept in the dark and think their only option is to go to the doctor who will stuff them up with toxic pills and creams.
He then told me that he will give me everything I need to heal Lisa’s condition and give back her health…
“But will it actually work?” – I asked…
To which he said asked me:
“Have you ever wondered why Japanese rice farmers don’t have any kind of fungal infection? They spend countless hours in muddy waters, working in the perfect environment for fungi to thrive in. Yet they rarely get sick or develop a fungal, bacterial, or other types of infection.

The answer lies in a special combo of ultra-powerful natural ingredients that have been used by Japanese homeopathic practitioners for thousands of years. It’s the secret behind our long and healthy life”
“Wait” – I said. “If there’s a real way to treat this infection, why hasn’t it reached the general public? Why are Americans kept in the dark about this?”
He stopped, and for a few seconds all I could hear was his breath…and then
“You see, 40 years ago I came to America and opened a small medical practice” – that explains his good English I thought to myself
“I was young and stupid because I thought I can change the world…but the problem was that the world doesn’t want to change…”- he continued
“After just a few years so many people heard about my treatment that all my books were scheduled for 2 years in advance
And that’s when I understood just how bad the situation is…
So I thought that the best solution was to make this treatment available for as many people as possible even though it meant I would break a sacred pact I made.
You must understand this formula is one of the best-kept secrets of traditional Japanese homeopathic practitioners.
If I were to go public with it I would lose my standing with my peers.
But I couldn’t stand idle and help just the people that managed to find my small practice.
So, I reached out to some pharmaceutical companies, to help me promote the formula.
Several days after that, my office was ransacked and some of my files were stolen. Luckily the formula wasn’t among them.
It became clear then that the $13 billion a year the antifungal industry will never let something like this see the light of day
And that’s when I left the USA, and never got back…”
This Is Beyond Criminal
I couldn’t believe my ears.
I mean I knew that pharmaceutical companies sometimes hide how dangerous some drugs are…but to actually try and suppress a remedy that can help millions of Americans….just so they can line their pockets with even more blood money….
After that, dr. Ishiguro told me about the ingredients, how he hand-picks most of them directly from his garden and how they all work together to remove the fungal infection both internally and externally.
He divided the natural fungal clearing process into 8 fail-proof phases:
The Natural Fungal Clearing Process Is Divided Into 8 Fail-Proof Phases:

Phase #1:
As Dr. Ishiguro pointed out, dealing just with the infection on your feet is not the solution…
Because even if you see improvements, unless you deal with the fungus breeding inside your blood, the infection will never go away
In order to accomplish this…
His natural remedy provides a unique combination of 25 ESPECIALLY SELECTED powerful antifungals that will be sucked up by your body almost immediately.
And the reason your body is able to absorb these ultra-high, bio-available ingredients, is due to their extremely high quality…
You see, there are many so-called natural supplements made with cheap ingredients that are not recognized by your body…
These cheap alternatives will be flushed throughout your system as toxins and you will end up “peeing” them out with no actual benefit. This is also known as the “Expensive Pee” Syndrome and I doubt you’d want to experience it.
This is the reason why Dr. Ishiguro jam-packed this unique formula with 25 of the absolute best ingredients you can find in the world that will be absorbed by your body like a dry sponge…
And will instantly spread throughout your body like a well-trained spec-ops team ready to annihilate the microscopic terrorist.

Phase #2:
So you have 5 months, 5 years, or even 5 decades’ worth of fungus build-up in your system? No problem.
After centuries of testing and experimenting with hundreds of organic antifungal ingredients…
Japanese Healing Masters have come up with the precise recipe…
Starting the list with a unique Japanese mushroom complex: Shiitake, Reishi and Maitake dubbed the “fungal nuking combo” that makes Asians live 20 years longer than the rest of the world…
When these 3 mushrooms get inside your body, the poisonous fungi senses their presence and want to merge with them…integrating them into their “body
But, once inside, surprise SURPRISE! …
These 3 secret Japanese Mushrooms begin eating the fungi from inside out!
Because this unique trio of mushrooms feeds only on “their own kind”!
To turbo-boost this process…it’s added Beta-Glucan – the penicillin of nature and Arabinogalactan
These ingredients will ambush the fungi while flushing away all the fungus from your body…
Your veins and arteries will be clear of fungus, more elastic and blood will once again flow smoothly to your organs– just like brand new oil in a V8 engine

Phase #3:
During this phase, Curcumin, Cat’s Claw, and Garlic will begin to actually melt the billions of toxic fungus viruses that have been swimming freely in your body for years.
Curcumin works wonders because it is a natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agent, while Cat’s Claw and Garlic go after any remaining fungi colonies that think they can escape the purge, destroying them and improving your blood flow.
And together they will work as a strainer…separating and dissolving the fungi from your healthy blood…

Phase #4:
You will totally love this one!
Natural Pomegranate and Olive Leaf extracts will primarily target your nails, draining out the fungi and wiping away any signs visible on the outside.
Ancient wise Asian doctors thought that Pomegranate is capable of conferring a person longevity or even immortality. And this, together with the Olive Leaf extracts, will act like an immortality elixir for your nails!
This brutal 1-2 punch will finally eradicate any signs of fungus from your hands and feet…
While allowing your nails to grow healthier and fortified against any threats…
Allowing you to forget about those nasty yellow brittle nails that give you headaches any time you had to take your shoes off…

Phase #5:
Now it’s time for two iconic natural superstars to take the stage…
The most powerful antioxidant in the world – Lycopene – Which might as well be worth its weight in gold
Because it heals cell destruction and protects healthy cells from future damage
Moreover, Quercetin sends your cell regeneration system into overdrive…creating a natural smooth cell armor for your skin.
What they’ll do is heal your skin from inside to the surface, rebuilding its natural elasticity and silky-smooth appearance and fortify its endurance
Moreover, your skin will be 3 times stronger against the bad effects of cold wind or dry heat.

Phase #6:
Meet the anti-fungal defense trio: Selenium, Graviola, and Pine-bark. These three ingredients will act like police bloodhounds, looking for any criminal wanting to hide…
After they will do their job, you can be sure that no toxic fungi are hidden anywhere inside your system…
Because they scour every nook and cranny of your body for fungal, bacterial, or viral intruders and destroy them on the spot.

Phase #7:
Red Raspberry Juice, Vitamin C and Vitamin E join their forces to shield your lungs from the constant bombardment of fungal bacteria that you are inhaling on a daily basis, without even knowing
They create a “laser net” that fries any type of fungal or bacteria spores that come into contact with it.
Now you can take a deep breath and stop worrying about any toxic pollution, or virus that wants to enter your body through your lungs!
Easier breaths, better oxygenation and more protection against harmful invaders!

Phase #8:
Now it’s time for the final blow…
Here, the formula adds a little-known blend of “The Empress of Health” and “The Emperor of Japanese green teas”: Matcha and Gyokuro. This is a powerhouse combo that has 137 times more antioxidants than your run-of-the-mill green teas.
And to deliver even more than promised, the recipe also has Panax Ginseng extract which will activate and boost the powerful anti-microbial antibodies which already exist in your body…
Increasing the body’s natural ability to fight off fungus or other toxins that cause damage to your body.
And that’s not all: Ginseng is well-known to have positive effects in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, or cholesterol
Seconds after your body begins to quickly absorb all the rare, top-notch ingredients, you can expect:
- Your embarrassing yellow, brittle, and ugly nails will disappear: as they begin to regrow with a natural, pure pink color, looking fully healthy and fortified
- Your skin to regain a youthful tenderness and tightness again: as you start to regenerate healthy and powerful skin…
- With your new defense protection created, you are now guarded against any future fungus infection…
- And finally, every new breathe you take going forward will be thoroughly cleansed and purified, keeping your entire body young, healthy, and most importantly, Fungus Free.
Once all of these steps of purifying and protecting the inside of your body are fully completed, your body becomes renewed, refreshed, reenergized…
I was amazed by how simple the whole process sounded and I couldn’t wait for Lisa to experience it completely…
Kim came home with the remedy 3 days later and we went straight from the airport to the hospital to give the remedy to Lisa
At first, nothing happened and I was afraid that it was too late for her
But I kept at it and after four days she started to feel better and her health began improving at a fast pace
Her nails started looking pink and healthy, her heart started to stabilize at its normal rate, she had more energy, smoother skin and all signs of liver failure disappeared like they were never there…
She actually started crying when she saw the improvements…
She Couldn’t Believe That Something Like This Is Possible
She went from being bedridden to playing and running and playing with her grandchild
She said she even feels like she’s 10 years younger…
Her disfigured nails became pink, shiny, and healthy, worthy of Victoria’s Secret catalog…
The danger of amputation or any heart problems was avoided and she finally regained her normal, healthy life…
All signs of early-onset liver failure disappeared and she got a clean bill of health.
It Felt Literally Like A Miracle…
But once I had Lisa fully treated and gotten her rid of the rogue fungus forever…
For some odd reason, my conscience and soul did not feel 100% clear.
I still felt guilty about SOMETHING, that I couldn’t quite put my finger on…
But the feeling was undoubtedly there.
As my thoughts started to get clearer: I felt like I was still obligated to fulfill some other duty…. and I then quickly realized exactly what that duty was…
And that was to protect the general PUBLIC.
And prevent people like YOU from experiencing even 1/10th of the horror we went through
REGARDLESS of any potentially criminal ramifications from big pharma headed my way….
But it was easier said than done…
At first, Dr. Ishiguro was reluctant to share this top-secret fungus neutralizing formula with the world….
Not only would he risk losing his standing among the Japanese homeopathic practitioners, but the pharmaceutical giants may catch wind of this and try to silence him again…maybe this time for good.
But Lisa convinced him to start this awareness campaign because people had to know the truth about toenail fungus and the easy, efficient way to heal it.
And then, we stumbled upon another barrier…
You see the formula requires that the key components be pure-grade, not those cheap, poor quality knock-offs, counterfeit ingredients, and chemical-derived extracts that have flooded the market.
The latest investigation by the FDA uncovered that the majority of herbal supplements at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and Target don’t contain what they claim – instead, they are filled with cheap wheat and soy powder.

And as you can imagine, finding a reliable source of 100% natural, GMO-Free, gluten-free, heavy metals-free, pure-grade extracts pose quite a challenge.
Luckily Dr. Ishiguro still has some solid contacts in Japan and we managed to find one supplier that was willing to provide us with a limited quantity.
We had the ingredients, now all we had to do is find a GMP-certified and FDA-approved manufacturing company.
It took longer than expected, you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find one in the US, but we managed in the end and
I’m Excited To Introduce You To:
The all-natural formula to formula that neutralizes both the internal and external fungal overgrowth

The moment you try it, the fungus parasite thriving inside your system is annihilated from the inside OUT…
Because this powerful formula is full of the world’s RICHEST ingredients…
Yet, hasn’t been available till now because Pharma bigwigs want to continue to stuff their pockets with your hard-earned dollars…
Well luckily today, is the day you can finally get your hands on this forbidden miraculous formula
A few weeks after we started this campaign I started getting several dozen “Thank You” messages on Facebook a day.
Before we knew it, our solution had been shared thousands of times
Thousands of people had completely eradicated fungi from their bodies…

People Could Not Believe They Finally Had Access to a Natural Remedy That Worked Without any Side Effects
Some of them had been living with toenail fungus for decades!
A survey of a sample of 4,864 people revealed that 99% of them gave the Myco Nuker 5 stars…
And after seeing the results…they described the healing process as something close to magic…
Try finding this remarkable rating in any of the reviews of Big Pharma’s drugs!
People of ALL ages and backgrounds are being relieved of their fungal infections, including senior citizens who had symptoms for over 40 years!
Finally having a chance to get a new lease on life, now that the secret to killing fungus is no longer being hidden from right under their nose.
So, if you feel like you’ve been stuck with this disgusting fungus for far too long…
If you’re frustrated with all the expensive and useless treatments, drugs and ointments you’ve tried and never worked
If you’re tired of hiding your feet every time you go to the beach
Then I want to do something to personally help you…
We’ve Set Aside The Next 350 Bottles
For Readers Of This Letter
At An Extreme Discount
You see, we went through our initial 10,000 bottle test batch in less than 24 hours.
Once the word spread online…
Our site nearly crashed.
And when people realized how fast the bottles were going…
They started ordering six or more bottles at a time.
That way they can start cleansing their bodies of the fungus right away
And keep it going for the rest of the year.
It sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense.
Because although the fungus will disappear from your nails right away…
There will still be remaining fungus colonies inside your body…
And if you stop the healing process once your nails are cleared up, you are still facing the risk of a fungus flare-up…
That’s why many people buy 6 bottles at the time…to keep the fungus “sanitizing” process going until they know they are
So, since so many people are ordering three to six bottles at a time…
We’re always at the risk of running out of stock…
I mean, I’m just a firefighter from Westchester
I’m not some rich business tycoon with deep pockets…
So keeping inventory on hand and ready to go…
Has been one of my biggest challenges.
And when we run out…
You’ll have to wait up to 3 months on average…
Because we’re not going to cut corners.
We Guarantee the Freshest, Cleanest Plant Extracts in Every Single Bottle
Each bottle of Myco Nuker is:
- Manufactured in a CGMP facility approved of by the FDA
- Clinically validated by research-based doses
- Third party tested for quality assurance
- Made with 100% pure plant extracts

This process is critical for producing the best plant extract on the market today…
And that takes time and resources.
Because we’re not willing to cut corners…
Or compromise on quality…
We can only produce a certain number of bottles at a time
Myco Nuker Is About Getting Your Life Back…
It’s the only 100% natural, holistic solution to fight off your fungal infection.
It’s the key to your freedom and peace of mind.
Why deny yourself the simple pleasures of wearing sandals or flip-flops during the summer?

Why risk potential-life threatening complications?
Why expose yourself and your loved ones to this highly contagious disease any longer?
All it takes is 2 pills a day and your fungal infection will be a thing of the past.
Imagine, you’ll feel healthier and more confident than ever before…your anxiety and embarrassment kicked to the curb to let you enjoy life to your heart’s content

Picture how a day at the beach will feel like… the sand and the wind gently caressing your feet again
Imagine how good it will feel to know that the fungal infection that robbed you of so many pleasures is now gone!
By now you’re probably wondering what it will take to grab the Myco Nuker…
Well, before I answer that, you shouldn’t be thinking of this as a cost at all.
This Is An Investment In Your Health And Life, And There’s No Greater Investment Out There
Removing your fungal infection from your life isn’t just a way to boost your self-esteem. It’s a necessity in order to live a long and healthy life.

If you do nothing, the fungal colonies will spread throughout your body, destroying your immune system and leaving you vulnerable to other potentially life-threatening conditions like mood and brain disorders, chronic inflammation, joint problems, and more.
Of course, you could gamble with your health and try oral medication or apply topical creams.
But besides the life-threatening side-effects like liver, heart, or kidney failure, these drugs will force you to spend at least $1,800. And let’s not forget that you have a 75% chance of the infection coming back once you stop using them.
Not to mention that you actually pose a serious threat to your loved ones, since toenail fungus is highly contagious.
Do you truly want to make your wife or your kids the next victims of Big Pharma?
You could try laser surgery, which costs $500 on average, and you’ll need multiple sessions to see any improvement. But even then you’re not out of the woods, because they don’t target the fungal build-up within. This is why they offer a ZERO guarantee that you’ll be treated.
And let’s face it, leaving your internal organs filled with fungal colonies, will only lead to more serious complications down the road.
These are not real options, and you already know it.
Originally, Dr. Ishiguro wanted to set the investment in the Myco Nuker at $99 a bottle
The same amount he usually charges patients.
People that already used his method stated that they would happily pay double or even TRIPLE that after experiencing the results for themselves.
I mean this is a real remedy, not some Band-Aid that needs to be changed every day
But we’re not looking to make a fortune off of your misery like the pharmaceutical giants.
That’s blood money and we don’t want any part of it.
So there’s no way we’re going to charge that absurd amount of money.
Truth be told we’re only looking for a way to cover our costs so we can get this remedy to as many people as humanly possible
Dr. Ishiguro and I have agreed to hand over the Japanese secret that enables you to completely neutralize fungal infections…
For JUST $69.
That’s right, you get the only 100% holistic treatment for toenail fungus for the same price as a mediocre dinner out for 2.
But there’s more…
Since your health is our top priority…
And we know how vital it is to remove the fungal overgrowth from your body and shield your body from the continuous fungus assault that is happening every single day…
We want you to benefit from our special discounted system of 6 bottles of Myco Nuker for only $49 a bottle.
But you need to act fast because the offer is valid today only and while supplies last.
Once we run out of bottles, the “Buy Now” buttons will be disabled until we’re able to make another batch…which can take up to 2-3 months at the very least.
One bottle of Myco Nuker will neutralize the fungal overgrowth brewing inside you and remove your toenail fungus infection…
Three bottles will have the same effect of flushing all the fungal colonies from your body, but with the added benefit that you’ll be protected for 2 extra months against the fungal bombardment, you’re exposed to daily…
But with the Premium 6 bottles Package your whole body will undergo a “6 months extensive and severe training” that will result in your immune system being equipped with everything it needs to fend off any type of fungal infection in the future.
Honestly, many of our members have taken Myco Nuker even after the 6 months marker, claiming that the added health benefits of the formula like anti-inflammatory properties, cognitive function improvement, antioxidant activity, increased energy levels and many more.
And listen I don’t want you to have any doubts about getting this remedy, so here’s what I’m going to do…
To prove to you that this remedy works, and you have absolutely nothing to worry about
I’m going to give you a 60-day, risk-free money-back guarantee.
Start taking this Japanese secret remedy…see with your own eyes how your nails turn a healthy, shiny pink…feel how your whole body is revitalized….discover new levels of energy and vitality…regain your life in a matter of a few days…
Just like 46,829 and counting satisfied customers who have taken this treatment did.

If for any reason you don’t see noticeable and dramatic improvements in your condition, all you need to do is send me an email and I’ll refund every last penny of your investment.
No questions asked, no hard feelings, you won’t have to jump through any hoops to get it.
That’s fair enough, right?
But that’s not all…
If you place your order in the next 5 minutes….
Dr. Ishiguro kindly agreed to give you three special bonuses, absolutely FREE
The first one is called…
The Vitamin & Mineral Handbook
Our body does not fight alone. The vitamins and minerals are the allies that help it work at optimum level.
If our body is a machine, the vitamins and minerals are like the essential oil that keeps it going.
What is your necessary daily intake? How do they work in your body? How do you supplement them naturally? These are all questions that you’ll find answers to.
Dr. Ishiguro selected only anti-aging and anti-inflammatory ingredients so that you’ll get the best of each component.
You’ll also find if you are deficient of one or more of these miraculous substances that keep our body in shape.

Lazy Man’s One Day Detox
This is a powerful tool that will turbocharge your recovery and wipe off the toxic chemicals that run through your body.
Your body needs to flush out the toxins and harmful substances that are loading your blood or else they will build up and cause diseases.
This precise recipe for a one-day detox is more effective than most of the ten days or two-week detox systems, because of the green formula featured inside.
Take a day off to take care of your body. Tip: follow this detox while pampering yourself with soothing music, meditation and positive thoughts.

Easy Fixes for Smelly Feet
I must admit this is a bit personal for me, as I’ve struggled with foot odor for many years.
I tried everything to control it, but nothing worked.
Dr. Ishiguro explained to me that actually, the average person’s foot contains 600 sweat glands per square centimeter, hundreds more than the armpits!
So, it turns out smelly feet are a more widespread problem than we like to admit.
But Dr. Ishiguro gave me not one, not two, not three but…
10 very simple and efficient natural remedies
Each of these can help you get rid of sweaty and smelly feet, and end the embarrassment!
In just about a week, the cheese-like smell will be gone from your feet for good.

But there’s more…
If you choose to invest in the Premium 6 bottles Package you’ll also gain our VIP “Wellness” Mentoring Service.
This gives you access to a special feature of our program that provides you with weekly insights into a wide variety of natural homeopathic treatments, constant updates from Dr. Ishiguro’s ongoing research, little known facts about different organic ingredients that promote a healthy long life and much, much more.
And if you have any questions, you can get all of them answered by our own team of experts…
The VIP status grants you priority so that anything you ask will get answered immediately.
And if for some reason your question is a bit tricky, Dr. Ishiguro will personally send you a reply with the answer.
You can imagine that as a doctor, Dr. Ishiguro charges $237 per hour for personal service visits. But if you grab this offer while it is still available, you’ll gain unlimited access to our team and even Dr. Ishiguro 24/7 for free.
But you really must act now, because we don’t know how long we can keep the price this low.
The ingredients we use are top-shelf and their prices are constantly changing. For now we have supplies, but once they’re gone, the next batch might cost us more to make and we’ll be forced to raise the price back to $99 and remove the bonuses.
So this might actually be your last chance to invest in the Myco Nuker at a steal of a price
Just look at the facts:
- You can’t leave toenail fungus untreated, or else it will spread to your feet and the infection will enter your system and can cause life-threatening diseases or even instant death
- Mainstream treatment will burn a $1,800 hole in your wallet….money which you could just keep and use for something else
- Like I showed you before, the toll that common nail-fungus drugs take on your health is not something you can take lightly…your liver, kidneys, your heart will pay the ultimate price
- These side effects will put you in a hospital bed for months and cost you tens of thousands of dollars to manage…and by the way, does your insurance cover it?
- This won’t protect you from a new and more aggressive outbreak, the first time your immunity takes a nosedive
- By healing yourself, you are also protecting your family
But with the Myco Nuker
- You gain HEALTH because the Japanese remedies used by Dr. Ishiguro are 100% natural and safe to use
- You gain TIME, because this will spare you from unpleasant visits to your doctor
- You gain MONEY because this remedy costs a fraction of any cream or pill treatment recommended by your doctor
- You gain IMMUNITY because the Myco Nuker targets the root cause of the infection
I am just listing the alternatives here, but the choice is all yours.
Every second that passes is a second the infection roots itself deeper in your body.
Just choose an option below to claim a future free of frustration, suffering and humiliation,’
You can take control of your own life right now, and put an end to the shame and embarrassment that your yellow ugly nails are making you go through.
Do you remember the last time when you didn’t have to:
- Hide your feet under socks?
- Use creams or take pills to control your toenail fungus?
- Spend money on treatments and go to the doctor?
You can end this and go back to your previous life before the fungal infection started controlling your decisions.
So many times things are beyond our control…but not this.
This time you are in full control of your life and like I have shown you, dealing with your toenail fungus fast is a life-and-death situation.
“Hi, again, I’m Lisa.
We started this website to raise awareness about toenail fungus because it is really a very dangerous infection. So if you have toenail fungus, take care of it FAST. Don’t let it get out of control because it will not go away by itself and pretty soon, you will have a HUGE problem on your hands. This website that we have is not for getting rich…actually, we are also offering this solution for free to a few hundred desperately poor people in some communities, but we would like to do more. Which is where you come in…you can help us do more…and also get this 100% effective and long-term fix for yourself. It’s a win-win situation for everybody. “
Choose your package and click on the button below to regain your confidence, health, and life.
You are not only treating your nails.
- You are saving your money
- You are saving your time.
- You are saving your health.
- And you are helping other people do the same
Your time is NOW…

This truly is the opportunity of a lifetime.
And right now you have only three options available.
Option #1: Do nothing and let the fungal infection spread even more. Ruining your life and your health along the way. Keeping you from enjoying life to the fullest and worst, presenting a real danger to your loved ones.
Option #2: Play Russian roulette with your health, trust what your doctor tells you, and try the conventional treatment. But if you’re willing to do that please, don’t take any oral medication, it will ruin your health faster than the infection. Try topical creams or laser surgery. It may cost you $500/ session and you might see some short-term results, but the infection will comeback…because the internal build-up is still there.
Option #3: Risk nothing today and grab the Myco Nuker right now. You’ll be blown away at how much your health and life will improve.
It’s an investment at a steal price.
It’s less than dinner for two at the local steakhouse.
But the benefits are immense.
More than 46,829 Americans have flushed their fungal infections and the associated health hazards down the drain.
Join them now!
The choice is only yours.
But this is your last chance.
So, make the right choice for you and your loved ones.
Click on the button below and test Myco Nuker, completely risk-free for a full 60 days – and start savoring your exuberant body and life at their best.
Only right HERE and right NOW you can get Myco Nuker at the best price plus your 3 free bonuses.
Thank you so much for reading this report.
I’ll be here, waiting to hear your success story.
Mike Harrison
P.S. After helping more than 50,000 Americans treat their nail infection so fast…
We started getting questions from all over the world…
Which I’ve answered below.
Q1. How many bottles should I order?
The most popular order for new customers is the 3 bottle package, and that’s what Dr. Ishiguro recommends to start with.
However, because we have many repeat customers, we offer the 6 bottles package so you can take advantage of an even bigger discount.
Q2. How safe is Dr. Ishiguroo’s Myco Nuker?
This is very safe. It is an all-natural supplement that combines 25 high-quality anti-fungal superfoods with cutting-edge wellness support blends in a highly efficient supplement that eradicated all fungal colonies from the body, with added health benefits such as: anti-inflammatory properties, cognitive function improvement, antioxidant activity, increased energy levels and many more.
It has no severe or potentially dangerous side effects. However, as a physician, Dr. Ishiguro recommends consulting with your health care provider before beginning any new program.
Q3. How do I use it?
This product is intended for use as a dietary supplement. Take 2 veggie capsules daily.
For optimal results take this supplement 20 to 30 minutes before eating with a full 8-ounce glass of water or as otherwise directed by your physician.
Q4. What if it doesn’t work for me? Is there a guarantee?
We know that individual bodies can react differently to the very same compounds.
Even though everyone can benefit from this unique 25 high-quality anti-fungal superfoods and cutting-edge wellness support blends, we’re aware that results can vary.
So, if you’re unsatisfied with this product for any reason whatsoever after a full 60 days of use, I’ll return your money, hassle-free…guaranteed.
Q5. When can I expect results?
Most members reported noticeable improvements from day 1.
However, the most dramatic results were reported after consistent use over the course of 2-3 weeks. Please use as directed.
Q6. What are the ingredients in Dr. Ishiguro’s Myco Nuker?